habit training meaning in Chinese
- Subjects : sit , down , stand , follow , holding ground , shake hands , basic agility training and some good habits training
完成科目:坐、卧、立、跟随、延缓、握手、简单敏捷训练及部分不良生活习惯的纠正。 - Subjects : sit , down , stand , following without belt , holding ground , shake hands , ( hello , lie , take back , bark ? take one from these ) , 3 meters far ordered , sit 、 down and stand in walking , basic agility training and some good habits training
完成科目:坐、卧、立、脱绳跟随、延缓、握手、 (坐立、躺下、衔回、吠叫?以上科目为4选1 ) 、 3米距离指挥、行进中坐、卧、立、部分敏捷训练及部分不良生活习惯的纠正。